普宁藏本《密咒圆因往生集》的八思巴字拼写中“垢”字作 gow,与拼写范本《蒙古字韵》不符,后者作ghiw。尽管 gow 的形式在表音上更准确,但却不符合系统的要求。于是乎就造成了被视作拼写范本的《蒙古字韵》中“垢”拼作 ghiw 成为通行规范形式,而 gow 的拼写形式则只能视作仅此一见的一个例外。
Abstract:The “垢” is being spelled as gow in Mizhou-yuanyin-wangshengji, and this special spelling-form is not in accordance with that of Menggu-ziyun. Also this spelling form more accurately expresses the pronunciation of the Chinese word “垢”, but it cannot meets the requirement of the hP’ags-pa Script spelling system. Because of this, the spelling-form ghiw of “垢” is regarded as the standard form in Menggu-ziyun, and the spelling-form gow of “垢” is only regarded as the exception.
【关键词】《密咒圆因往生集》 八思巴字 “垢”