A SAGE Journal


Lisu Syllabary: A folk creation in the Yunnan-Tibetan borderland

Bojun Sun 孙伯君 and Gang Han 汉刚

发布时间:2020-09-01    点击次数:



The Lisu Syllabary was designed by an illiterate farmer in the 1920s and spread widely in Weixi County in the Yunnan Province of China. Its creation process proves that it is not necessary for a primitive writing system to undergo the stage of pictograph or ideograph; rather, the concept of syllabic segmentation may arise inherently in the human mind and may be successfully used in script designing. A font library including 989 computer glyphs is provided in the present paper in order to show the total appearance of the Lisu Script.

【关键词】folk script, glyph library, Lisu, monosyllabic, script creation
【作者简介】Bojun Sun 孙伯君 Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China 中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所 Gang Han 汉刚 Weixi Ethnic, Cultural and Religious Department, Weixi Lisu Autonomous County, China 云南省维西县民族宗教文化事务局

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