A SAGE Journal




发布时间:2020-02-27    点击次数:



AbstractTang Lan’s “Sanshu” theory is not a reconstruction but a separation on different levels of the traditional “Liushu” theory, based on fully absorbing the achievements of previous studies of philology. This work is closely combined with the diachronic and dynamic process of Chinese character development. The “separating” work in six aspects as follows: First, the separation of “Wen” and “Zi” (the separation of pictogram, self-explanatory character and phonogram, associative compound character); Second, the separation of pictorial writing and phonogram (divided Chinese character into palaeoidand early modern period); Third, the separation of character formation and it’s process (“Sanshu” and “Liuji” are including the separation of the rules of character formation and application.); Forth, the separation of internal components of self-explanatory character (due to it’s cancel); Fivth, the separation of internal components of associative compound characters (the conclusion is that there is no “Huiyi” also named associative compound character but “Xiangyi”); Sixth, the separation of internal components of phonogram (which is mainly from the formation of phonogram, an important achievement is the separation of vocalized “Xiangyi” character). These worksare important basement of Tang’s opinion on Chinese character periodization and development, on the other hand, this opinion makes futher infl uence to his valuation and absorption of previous studies achievements as well as analysis and utilization of specifi c information. Due to limited space, this paper mainly analyzed the criticism of Mr. Tang to the three sets of “Liushu” theory in Han Dynasty, and his comments about self-explanatory character and associative compound character. Basing on his theoretical system, this paper corrected a misunderstanding that is equating Tang’s “Sanshu” with the grapheme, pronunciation and meaning of Chinese character in academic circle.

【关键词】唐兰 六书 三书 指事 会意

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