《论语·学而》开头的“有朋自远方来”的“有”字自古以来很少有异议,大多作存在状态解。考虑到《论语》的成书过程笔者认为这一说法并非完全不能商榷。本文对比了《论语》各版本以及敦煌抄本的文字异同,结合历代注、疏中的说法对“有朋”写为“友朋”的实例进行了分析。进一步,我们梳理了“又”、 “有”、“友”、“有”之间的通假字关系,对“有朋”或为“友朋”的可能性进行了考察。另外还结合了以往日本学者对《论语》的训读读法,以及现代汉语翻译的实例,对本文的观点进行了补充。
Abstract:There are few objections about the sentence “is it not delightful to have friends coming from far away” in the first chapter of The Analects of Confucius, most scholars interpret as existence. In consideration of the formation of this book, the author thinks that this argument might be open to question. This article compares the similarities and differences between the various version of the Analects of Confucius, including Dunhuang transcripts, analysis the examples that “have friends” was written as “friends” in the annotation of the past dynasties. Furthermore, we sort out the relationship between “also”(又) and “have”(有),”friend”(友) and “have”(有), investigate the possibility that “have friends” might be “friends”. In addition, this article is also supported by the translation of modern Chinese.
【关键词】《论语》 有朋自远方来 阿斯塔那文献 通假 训读