由于时代发展带来了文字处理方式的进步,以数字化整理提升材料研究价值的工作必然被提上古文字研究的议事日程,进而造就陈寅恪所谓“一时代之学术”必有之新材料。而此新材料的存在价值,则在解决陈氏所谓 “一时代之学术”必有之新问题。基于对传统古文字资料整理和既有古文字材料数字化得失的评估,可以确定未来以数字化营造古文字研究新材料的若干重点方向,如:补缺传统古文字研究工具系列;瞄准潜在的学术史发展点;破解瓶颈性学术难题。
Abstract:With the development of the times, the processing of characters is also improved. In order to increase the value of materials, it is necessary to digitize the ancient scripts, which echoes the saying of Chen Yinke that “the scholarship of one era must have its new materials”. The value of the new material is to solve the new problem brought by the new era. On the basis of the collation of traditional ancient texts and the evaluation of the present digitization about ancient writing materials, some key directions of the digitization of ancient writings can be determined, that is: providing new tools for the study; exploring the critical points of the research history; solving bottleneck problems.
【关键词】古文字 数字化 新材料