A SAGE Journal


Analysis of the causes of the formation of the special writing position of the month in oracle bone inscriptions

ao Tang 唐焘 and Fei Deng 邓飞

发布时间:2020-09-01    点击次数:



In oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang dynasty, the writing position of the numeral month is relatively fixed, but there are also special writing positions. The formation of the special writing position of the numeral month in an oracle bone inscription is mainly influenced by five factors: zhaowen 兆文, the writing position of inscriptions, the format of line in an oracle bone inscription, the nature of the numeral month, and the writing materials of an oracle bone inscription. The influence of zhaowen on the writing position of the month is mainly manifested in fanzhao 犯兆. The influence of the writing position of inscriptions on the writing position of months includes two situations: the influence of the writing positions of inscriptions themselves and the influence of the writing position of the adjacent inscriptions. The influence of the format of line in oracle bone inscriptions on the writing position of months is mainly manifested in the direction of lines in oracle bone inscriptions. The influence of the nature of the month on the writing position of the month includes the independence and randomness of the month. The influence of the writing materials of an oracle bone inscription on the writing position of the month includes the scapula and the tortoise plastrons.

【关键词】Numeral month, oracle bone inscriptions, reason, Shang dynasty, special writing position
【作者简介】Tao Tang 唐焘 Institute of Chinese Language and Documents, Southwest University, China 西南大学汉语言文献研究所 Fei Deng 邓飞 Institute of Chinese Language and Documents, Southwest University, China 西南大学汉语言文献研究所

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