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Edward L. Shaughnessy

Posted:2020-02-18    Page Views:

Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago
Distinguished Visiting Professor ,Institute of Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Area
Ancient Chinese Character; Yi jing; the cultural and literary history of China’s Zhou dynasty

Haiwai Yijianzhi: Ling guan zaoqi Zhongguo 海外夷堅志:另觀早期中國 (An overseas Record of the Strange and Sturdy: A different view of early China). Shanghai: Shanghai Guji chubanshe, 2015. Unearthing the Changes: Recently Discovered Manuscripts of and Relating to the Yi Jing. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
Xing yu xiang: Zhongguo gudai wenhua shi lunwenji 興與象:中國古代文化史論文集 (Arousals and Images: Essays on Ancient Chinese Cultural History). Shanghai: Shanghai Guji chuban she, 2012. Chinese Wisdom: Philosophical Insights from Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi and Other Masters. London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2010; American edition entitled Confucian & Taoist Wisdom: Philosophical Insights from Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi and Other Masters.
Yuanfang zhi shi xi: Gudai Zhongguo jingxuanji 遠方之時習:古代中國精選集 (Timely practices from distant parts: Selections from Early China), editor. Shanghai: Shanghai Guji chubanshe, 2008.
Rewriting Early Chinese Texts. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2006. Chinese translation: Chongxie Zhongguo gudai wenxian 重寫中國古代文獻. Tr. Zhou Boqun 周博群. Shanghai:Shanghai Guji chubanshe, 2012.
Ancient China: Life, Myth and Art. London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2005. Polish translation: Chiny: Życie,Legendy I Sztuka. Warzawa: National Geographic Society, 2005; French translation: La Chine ancienne: Vie, art et mythes, tr. Emmanuel Pailler. Paris: Gründ,2005; Spanish translation: La Antigua China: Vida, Mitologia y Arte. Madrid: Ediciones Jaguar, 2005; Portugese translation: Antiga China. Lisbon: Edição Única, 2005. 
Gu shi yi guan 古史異觀 (A different view of ancient history). Shanghai: Shanghai Guji chubanshe, 2005.
China: Land of the Heavenly Dragon, general editor. London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2000. American edition: China: Empire and Civilization. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Translated into French, German, Polish, Russian, Czech, Estonian, Danish and Slovak.
The Cambridge History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to 221 B.C., edited with Michael Loewe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Translated into Korean.
Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1997. Chinese translation: Kongzi zhi qian 孔子之前. Huang Shengsong 黃聖松, Yang Jixiang 楊濟襄, Zhou Boqun 周博群 et al trans., Fan Limei 范麗梅 and Huang Kuanyun 黃冠雲 ed. Taipei: Wanjuanlou, 2013.

“The Dowager v. the Royal Court: A Ninth-Century B.C. Case of Family Law Recorded in Chinese Bronze Inscriptions.” In Structures of Power: Law and Gender across the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Ed. Ilan Peled. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2015. In Press.
“Da Yi de qiyuan ji qi zaoqi yanbian” 大易的起源及其早期演變 (The origin and early development of the great Changes). Guoxue xin shiye 國學新視野 (New perspectives on national studies) 2015.2: 34-40.
“Shifa haishi shifa? You Qinghua jian Shifa chongxin kaolü Zuo zhuan shi li” 筮法還是釋法?由清華簡重《筮法》新考慮《左傳》筮例  (Divination method or explanationmethod? A reconsideration of the examples of divination in the Zuo zhuan on the basis of the Qinghua-strip Divination method). Zhou Yi yanjiu 周易研究 (Zhou Changes research) 2015.?: in press.
“Shi zhi zhusong: San lun ‘si’ zi de fuci zuoyong” 《詩》之祝誦:三論 ‘思’字的副詞作用
(The prayers of the Poetry: A third discussion of the verbal use of si). Qinghua jian yanjiu 清華簡研究 (Research on the Qinghua strips) 2 (2015): 52-62.
“Xifang Hanxuejie li de liangwei Zhongguo jiandu xue dashi” 西方漢學界裡的兩位中國簡牘學大師 (Western Sinology’s two great scholars of Chinese bamboo and wooden strips). Chutu wenxian yu guwenzi yanjiu 出土文獻與古文字研究 (Unearthed Texts andPaleography). 6 (2015): 477-485.
“Review of Divination and Prediction in Early China and Ancient Greece by Lisa Raphals.”  Journal of Chinese Studies 60 (2015): 319-331. 

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