Senior researcher and professor of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Visiting professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shanxi University, China
Visiting supervisor, Department of History and Linguistics, École Pratique des Hautes Études, France
Distinguished professor, Department of Linguistics, Minzu University of China
Chair professor, Department of History, Sichuan University, China
Chair professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan Normal University, China
Chair professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, China
Research fields:
Ancient language and civilization inNorthern China, especially Tangut language and culture
1. The ability to manipulate speech sounds depends on knowing alphabetic writing,(与Charles Read、张韵斐、丁宝庆合作),Cognation 24 (1986):31-44
2. Tangutology during the past decades, Monumenta Serica 41(1993):329-347
3.“Family Models: The Model of the Tangut Work Newly Collected Biographies of Affection and Filial Piety”, Письменные памятники востока, 2008.2:237-242
4.“Tangut Fragments Preserved in the China National Institute of Cultural Heritage”, И.Ф. Попова сост. Тангуты в Центральной Азии, Москва: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература», 2012, 271-278
5.“Notes on the Predicative Personal Suffixes of the Tangut Language”, Nathan W. Hill ed., Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages IV, Leidon·Boston: Brill, 2012, 259-266
6. A Supplementary Note on “Khitan” in Tangut Historical Records,북방문화연구 5(2014):13-19
7. A Textual Study of the Tangut Ballad Yuqie Yewugeng, Central Asiatic Journal 57 (2014):123-1297. A Textual Study of the Tangut Ballad Yuqie Yewugeng, Central Asiatic Journal 57 (2014):123-129
8. A Phonetic Note on Bka’ ’gyur pa,四川大学中国藏学研究所编《藏学学刊》11(2015:126-131
9. Notes on the Tangut Colophon and Votive Postscript Attached to the Sarva-tathāgata Akṣarāsataka Upadeśa,北方民族大学西夏研究所编《西夏学辑刊》1,2017,8-18
10. Loloish Dialect and Script of 18th Century Liangshan Reflected in the Luoluo Yiyu, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems 2.1(2018):13–17
11.Chinese Radicals as Distinctive Marks of Language, Journal of Chinese Writing Systems 3.2 (2019) :115–119
12. Review: “New Laws” of the Tangut State by E.I. Kychanov, Written Monuments of the Orient, 2015.1:116-118