A SAGE Journal

Editorial Board

Yukun Pan

Posted:2020-02-18    Page Views:

professor at the Centre for the Study and Application of Chinese Character, East China Normal University, China
Managing Editor of The Study of Chinese Character 中国文字研究

Research Area:
Ancient Chinese Grammar (Grammar of the unearthed documents)


1. Xizhou Jinwen Yuxu Yanjiu [西周金文语序研究 (Study on the Word Order of the Bronze Inscription of the West Zhou Dynasty)] (Outstanding Achievements of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Shanghai), East China Normal University Press, 2005.5
2. Hanzi de Xingzhi [汉字的性质 (The Nature of Chinese Character)], Elephant Press, 2007.12
3. Gu Wenzi Kaoshi Tiyao Zonglan [古文字考释提要总览 (Overview on the summary of Ancient Character Interpretation)] Volume 1-3 (Editors-in-Chief), Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2008.8-2011.12
4. Jinwen Jinyi Leijian [金文今译类检 (Retrieval of Bronze Inscription Interpretation)] (Co. Editor), Guangxi Education Publishing House, 2003.11
5. Xin Hanzi Duben [新汉字读本 (New Chinese Character Reader)] (Co. Authored), Guangxi Education Publishing House, 2004.6


1. Guhanyu zhong “Yi以” de Binyu Qianzhi Wenti [古汉语中“以”的宾语前置问题(On the Fronted Object of Yi以 in Ancient Chinese)], Yindu Xuekan [殷都学刊 (Journal of the Capital of Yin)], 2000.4
2. Jinwen Shangshu Teshu Yuxu Bu Lun [今文《尚书》特殊语序补论(On the Special Word Order in the Clerical Script Version of Shangshu)], Hanyushi Yanjiu Jikan [汉语史研究集刊 (Journal of Chinese Language History Study)] Issue 4, Bashu Book Company, 20013.
3. Cunzai Zhengyi de Zhouwen [存在争议的籀文(Controversial Zhou Scripts)], Guji Zhengli Yanjiu Xuekan [古籍整理研究学刊 (Journal of Ancient Book Collation and Study)], 2002.5
4. Du Ming Zhaji Er Ze [读铭札記二则 (Two Reading Notes on Bronze Inscriptions)], Kaogu yu Wenwu [考古与文物 (Archaeology and Cultural Relics)], 2002
5. “Su Sun Zi Bao宿孙子宝” Haishi “Shi Sun Zi Bao世孙子宝” [“宿孙子宝”还是“世孙子宝” (“Su Sun Zi Bao宿孙子宝“ or “Shi Sun Zi Bao世孙子宝”?)], Zhongguo Wenzi Yanjiu [中国文字研究 (Chinese Character Study)] Issue 3, 2002
6. “Lingren Kanyou/Kexi” Buke Jieshou [“令人堪忧/可喜”不可接受 (The Expression “Lingren Kanyou/Kexi令人堪忧/可喜” is Unacceptable)], Zhongxue Yuwen Jiaoxue [中学语文教学 (Middle School Chinese Teaching)], 2002.12
7. Zhouwen Xingti Qianlun [籀文形体浅论 (On the Form of Zhou Script)], Yindu Xuekan [殷都学刊 (Journal of the Capital of Yin)], 2003.2
8. Zhuan Li Wanxiang Mingyi Zhuanwen Lishi [《篆隶万象名义》篆文例释 (Explanation on Several Seal Scripts in Zhuan Li Wanxiang Mingyi)], Yuyan Yanjiu [语言研究 (Language Study)], 2003.4
9. Jinwen “Yan Zai Shang, Yi Zai Xia严再上,异在下” yu “Jing Nai Su Ye敬乃夙夜” Shi Jie [金文“严再上,异在下”与“敬乃夙夜”试解 (Explanation on the Two Bronze Inscription Phrases “Yan Zai Shang, Yi Zai Xia严再上,异在下” and “Jing Nai Su Ye敬乃夙夜”)], Gugong Bowuyuan Yuankan [故宫博物院院刊 (Journal of the Palace Museum)], 2003.5
10. Xizhou Jinwen zhong Jige yu Beidong Biaoshu Youguan de Juzi [西周金文中几个与被动表述有关的句子 (Several Passive-Expression-Related Sentences in the West Zhou Dynasty Bronze Inscription)], Zhongwen Zixue Zhidao [中文自学指导 (Reviews and Research on Chinese Literature)], 2004.1

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