A SAGE Journal



Kehe Zang臧克和

First Published:2020-02-12    Page Views:


碑板中之墓志文字,走向夸饰套路,词肥义瘠,向为金石文史家所诟病。所采取者,唯地理职官制度数项而已。其实,方当盖棺定论之际,一生功名事业取舍,价值倾向攸关。社会崇尚,风气煽被,当时习而相忘,文献忽焉不察者,往往集中流露于此。隋唐社会,于家世人生,毋论生前阀阅显赫、文治武功,属当盖棺定论之际,所取态度,多为“朝市心违、山林志毕”。如此信仰取舍,文学史上以“魏晋风度”相标榜的魏晋南北朝同类石刻文献,尚未习见惯道;至于隋唐以降五代时期,则尤属罕睹。如此选择方式,从精神渊源看,或以为古代上流社会某类优雅生活态度之孑遗;而就人生程途论,以入世始,以出世终,世出世间法,有当于心行张弛有常、始张终弛之道。此乃天道循环之周期定数,抑亦人生程途之辙迹,契合隋唐之际儒道释中土交融之实际,与从《诗经》时代 就盛行的无竞核心价值观念,存在一脉相承的线索。依托“魏晋南北朝隋唐五代石刻历时语料库”,调查大量出土材料,统计某些高频语用现象,尝试分类对照,考察隋唐人生“少壮进用事功,迟暮退归隐逸”之价值信仰模式。

AbstractThe epitaphs were usually full of exaggerated descriptions. So the researchers regarded them only as a source of geographical information and official system. However, at the end of the lives, the reconsideration of choices of fame and achievements, their values, and the social atmosphere, which were often ignored by other documents, were reflected in the epitaphs. People in Sui and Tang dynasties, regardless of their family background and achievements, when they were facing their death, had taken the attitude as “nothing to do with the vanity fair and winding up as a hermit”. This kind of attitude, perhaps was affected by a certain type of the upper-class elegance of ancient relict attitude to life. Man began the life into the material world and ended into the escape from the reality, which is a certain cycle of the heavenly law. Such attitudes were in accordance with the merging of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in the period of Sui and Tang dynasties. With the help of “The Stone Corpus of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties”, this article investigates into thousands of epitaphs and calculates the frequency of pragmatic phenomenon, to classify and inquire into the dual structure of faith in Sui and Tang dynasties, which is strive when young, hermit when old”.

【Keywords】隋唐墓志 信仰 价值观
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