《史记》所记载秦始皇刻石六处七石之外,其他文献尚记载有赣榆秦始皇碑及朐山秦始皇碑,本文考证此二碑实为一碑。此碑已亡佚,而其碑文赖汉代应劭《风俗通》得以保存,惟应氏误以为此碑文为“古之封禅文”,今乃考定此“封禅文”即赣榆秦始皇碑之碑文。故《史记》所载秦始皇七刻石併此碑当为八刻石。琅邪刻石颂辞之后“维秦王兼有天下”以下 208 字之“附记”,经本文考定,在秦始皇时曾全刻于石上,至二世时乃铲去“杨樛”以下文字刻其诏书于其上。至此,琅邪刻石之形制乃可确知。至于茅山刻石(即句曲刻石),乃文献误记,始皇实无刻璧之事,然埋璧祀神事则有之。至于始皇刻和氏璧为“传国玺”之说,悠谬无据,以作里巷闲谈视之可耳。
Abstract:Records of Historian (Shi Ji) recorded 7 engraved stones at 6 places of Emperor Shihuang of Qin. There were also records of other 2 steles of Ganyu stele and Qushan stele, and both were related to Emperor Shihuang of Qin. This paper proves that Ganyu stele and Qushan stele is actually one same stele. It had been lost, and the stele inscription was recorded in Ying Shao’s book Fengsu Tong, who mistook it as a Fengshan prayer. This prayer is proved to be the epitaph in Ganyu stele. Therefore the engraved stones of Emperor Shihuang of Qin should be 8, with the addition of Ganyu stele. After hymns on Langye stele, there was a 208-character postscript following the sentence“Qin unifi ed the nation”. The postscript was engraved at full length in the period of Emperor Shihuang of Qin. Then, Emperor Qin II shoveled the words after“Yang Jiu”and engraved his own edict. Hence the shape of the Langye stele was revealed clearly. As for Maoshan stele ( also called Gouqu stele) , it is a record mistake. Emperor Shihuang of Qin had never carved words on jade, though his burial sacrifi ce of jade is true. The legendary Imperial Jade Seal of Emperor Shihuang of Qin shaped from Heshi Bi is no more than a folk tale.
【Keywords】秦始皇刻石 赣榆碑 朐山碑 茅山刻石 传国玉玺
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