A SAGE Journal


Graphic abbreviation of Chinese characters in Vietnam: A case study of “dot and bend” in Sino-Nom texts

Bích-Tuyển Thị Đỗ 杜氏碧选

First Published:2020-11-26    Page Views:

【Abstract】This article describes research on “dot and bend” ( ) as a graphic abbreviation of Chinese characters in Sino-Nom books and stele inscriptions. Documentary survey results show that the sign “dot and bend” may be an abbreviation of a whole character (錢, 饒) or a radical (食, 金, 君, 镸, 雚) on the left of a character. This abbreviation appeared in Vietnam from the 12th to the early 20th century, which had some specific characteristics in comparison with Chinese characters in China, Japan and Korea.

【About the Author】Bích-Tuyển Thị Đỗ ,Institute of Sino-Nom Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam

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