A SAGE Journal


Sesquisyllabicity, Chữ Nôm, and the Early Modern embrace of vernacular writing in Vietnam

John D. Phan 潘阳

First Published:2020-11-26    Page Views:

【Abstract】In East Asia, the relationship between script and language is determined to a great extent by the typological character of the languages involved. This is particularly so because sinographic writing generally relies on the syllable as the smallest unit of sound expressible. However, many languages that have adapted Sinitic writing throughout history display complex syllable structure not easily expressible by the monosyllabically inclined sinograph. Moreover, some languages have even displayed changing syllable structure throughout documented history. This article examines the so-called “monosyllabicization” of the Vietnamese language, and its impact on the history of the sinographic vernacular script known as Chữ Nôm. I argue that by the 17th century, the emergent monosyllabic character of Vietnamese was remarked upon by elites as a new justification for embracing vernacular writing, previously considered uncouth.

【Keywords】Chữ Nôm, Chinese linguistics, historical linguistics, sinography, Vietnam
【About the Author】John D. Phan ,Columbia University, USA

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