A SAGE Journal

Editorial Board

Deno Fumiri

Posted:2020-02-18    Page Views:

associate professor
Department of Education,Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan
visiting researcher, Shirakawa Shizuka Oriental Chinese character Institute, Ritsumeikan University

Research Area
Chinese writing, Chinese Calligraphy theory

1.Chinese character that is read by the five senses(Bungeisyunjyu,2012)
2.The achievement of The study of Chinese character by Shirakawa shizuka(Tianjin People publisher,2012 )
3.Saika and Riyou――The beginners Chinese that everyone synthetically learn』Joint authorship(Hakuteisya,2016)『The fearful and pleasant Chinese characters』(Nigensya,2016)『What is Wajin(倭人)?Joint authorship(Akasisyotenn,2016)

1.About the Chinese characters that is based on the traditional use of birds in fortune-telling in China and Japan (Bulletin of the for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisya Women‘s College of Liberal Arts,Vol.29 , 2012 )
2.About the oldest Name of Japanese “倭(wa)”and “倭人(wajin)” (Journal of Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture in Ritsumeikan, Vol.7,2013)
3.About the Meaning of Chinese Oldest Chinese Character (Jiaguwen)『  』(Journal of Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture in Ritsumeikan, Vol.8,2014)
4.The Study through the manners and customs of the people about the Chinese character “「文(wen)」(Korean Association for Chinese Studies,Vol.52 ,2015)
5. The reception on the Study of the learning about characters by Shirakawa Sizuka in China and Taiwan (Journal of Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture in Ritsumeikan, Vol.10,2017)
6. About the Inflow and Popularization of Chinese Characters in Japan (The Study of Chinese Characters, Vol.25 , published by Shanhai Bookstore Publishing House,2017)
7. Shape Analysis Method in the Teaching of Chinese Characters(The Journal of Chinese Character Studies,published by Center for the Study of Chinese Characters in Korea,Vol.20,Kyungsung University,2018)
8. The study about the blade statement in China by Shizuka Shirakawa (Journal of Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture in Ritsumeikan, Vol.12 ,2019)

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