Professor,Dept of Chinese, East China Normal University
Deputy director of the Center for the Study and Application of Chinese Characters, ECNU
Research filed
ChinesePaleography, Ancient Character Database Research
Jiaguwen Jinyi Leijian [甲骨文今译类检(Retrieval of the Interpretation of Bone and Tortoise Shell Inscription)] (Co. Authored), Guangxi Education Publishing House, 2005.
Hanzi – Zhongguo Wenhua de Yuansu [汉字——中国文化的元素(Chinese Character – Element of Chinese Culture)], East China Normal University Press, 2007.
Zhongguo Yitizi Daxi – Zhuanshu Bian [中国异体字大系——篆书编(Chinese Variant Character Dictionary: Volume of Seal Inscription)] (Editors-in-Chief), Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Press, 2007.
Wenzi Zhongguo [《文字中国》丛书(The “Chinese Characters” Series)] (Editors-in-Chief), Elephant Press, 2007.
Hanzi Yishu [汉字艺术(The Art of Chinese Characters)] (Co. Authored), Elephant Press, 2007.
Zimai: Liaoqi Hanzi de Miansha [字脉:撩起汉字的面纱(The development of Character: Unveil Chinese Characters)] (Editors-in-Chief), Shanghai Jinxiu Wenzhang Publishing House, 2009.
Gu Wenzi Kaoshi Tiyao Zonglan [古文字考释提要总览(Overview on the summary of Ancient Character Inscription)] Vol. 1-4 (Editors-in-Chief), Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2008-2018.
Hanzi de Fengjing [汉字的风景(A Sight of Chinese Character)] (Co. Authored), Shanghai Jinxiu Wenzhang Publishing House , 2011.
Zhongguo Chutu Jianbo Wenxian Yinde Zonglu: Guodian Chujian Juan [中国出土简帛文献引得综录·郭店楚简卷(Index of Unearthed Chinese Bamboo and Silk Documents: Guodian Bamboo Slips of Chu)] (Editors-in-Chief), Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2012.
Zhongguo Wenzi Fazhanshi: Shangzhou Wenzi Juan [中国文字发展史·商周文字卷(The Development History of Chinese Character: Characters of Shang and Zhou Dynasties)], East China Normal University Press, 2015.
Zhongguo Chutu Jianbo Wenxian Yinde Zonglu: Baoshan Chujian Juan [中国出土简帛文献引得综录·包山楚简卷(Index of Unearthed Chinese Bamboo and Silk Documents: Baoshan Bamboo Slips of Chu)], Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2015.
Zhongguo Hanzi Wenwu Daxi [中国汉字文物大系(Collection of Chinese Character Relics)] Vol. 1-15 (Editors-in-Chief), Elephant Press, 2013.
Shujuku Guwenzi Yanjiu Lungao [数据库古文字研究论稿(Manuscript on Ancient Character Database Research)],Shanghai Ancient Book Press, 2019.
Hanzi Yiti Liubian Shuo [汉字异体流变说(Theory of the Evolution of Chinese Character Variants)], (Co. Authored), Hanzi Wenhua [汉字文化(Culture of Chinese Character)], 1989(4)
Yingdang Zhuzhong Yitizi de Lishi Texing [应当注重异体字的历时特性(The Variants’ Characteristics of Different Periods Should be Noticed)], Yitizi Yanjiu [异体字研究(Variant Character Study)], The Commercial Press, 2004(9)
Guwenzi zai Guoji Biaozhun Zifuji zhong de Bianma yu Guwenzi Tongyong Shuzihua Pingtai Jianshe [古文字在国际标准字符集中的编码与古文字通用数字化平台建设(The Code for Ancient Chinese Characters in UNICODE and the Construction of the General Digital Platform for Ancient Chinese Characters)], Hangzhou Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) [杭州师范学院学报(社会科学版) (Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Social Sciences))], 2007(12)
Shuo Chujian Wenzi zhong de * ji Qi Xiangguanzi [说楚简文字中的*及其相关字(On the Character * and Some Related Characters in the Slips of Chu)], Zhongguo Wenzi Yanjiu [中国文字研究(Chinese Character Study)] Issue 10, Elephant Press, 2008(6)
Zhanguo Chutu Wenxian Zipin de Chubu Yanjiu [战国出土文献字频的初步研究(Preliminary Study on the Character Frequency of the Unearthed Documents of the Warring States Period)], Zhongguo Wenzi Yanjiu [中国文字研究(Chinese Character Study)] Issue 11, Elephant Press, 2008(12)
Jianshuo Guwenzi Yitizi de Fazhan Yanbian [简说古文字异体字的发展演变(On the Development of Ancient Chinese Character Variants)], Zhongguo Wenzi Yanjiu [中国文字研究(Chinese Character Study)] Issue 12, Elephant Press, 2009(6)
Chu Jianbo Wenzi Neibu Chayi Chubu Yanjiu [楚简帛文字内部差异初步研究(Preliminary Study on the interior differences of the Bamboo Slip and Silk Scripts of Chu)], Di Ershi Jie Zhongguo Wenzixue Guoji Xueshu Yantaohui Lunwenji [第二十届中国文字学国际学术研讨会论文集(Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium of Chinese Philology)], 2009(5)
Xizhou Chunqiu Jinwen Zipin Yanjiu [西周春秋金文字频研究(Study on the Character Frequency of the West Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period)], Yuyan Kexue [语言科学(Language Science)], 2010(1)
Zipin Shijiao de Jiaguwen Goujian Dingliang Yanjiu [字频视角的甲骨文构件定量研究(Quantitative Research on the Components of Bone and Tortoise Shell Inscriptions from the Angle of Character Frequency)], Hanzi Yanjiu [汉字研究((Korean) Chinese Character Study)], 2010(6)
Jiaguwen Zibiao Tunnan, Huadong Zixing Buyi [甲骨文字表《屯南》《花东》字形补遗(Addendum to the Two Character Tables of Bone and Tortoise Shell Inscription Tunnan and Huadong)], Zhongguo Wenzi Yanjiu [中国文字研究(Chinese Character Study)] Issue 13, Elephant Press, 2010(10)
An introduction to database grammatology,Journal of Chinese Writing Systems,2017(1).