A SAGE Journal

Editorial Board

Nguyen Quang Hong

Posted:2020-02-18    Page Views:

Professor, at Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences – VASS), Hanoi, Vietnam.
President of the Committee of Professor Academic Titles for Linguistic Science
high commissioner and former Deputy Director of the Vietnamese Sino-Nom Studies Institute as well Chief Editor of the magazine Language & Life.
former committee member of the Vietnamese National Committee of Professor Academic Titles as well as the President of the Committee of Professor Academic Titles for Linguistic Science.
member of the National Committee of Cultural Heritage.
visiting scholar at Moscow National University
homepage: http://www.hannom.org.vn/info.asp?param=8

Research field
Nom Characters, Chinese Characters, Vietnamese, Chinese
(1) Văn khắc Hán Nôm Việt Nam (Vietnamese Sino-Nom Inscriptions Carved in Stones) (Chief Editor), Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1992;
(2) Âm tiết và Loại hình ngôn ngữ (Syllables and Types of Language) (Monograph), Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1994, Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2001, Ho Chi Minh National Publishing House, 2012;
(3) Di văn chùa Dâu (Inscription Heritage in Buddhist Temple Dau) (Chief Editor), Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 1996;
(4) Truyền Kỳ Mạn Lục giải âm (Phonetic Interpretation of Truyen Ki Man Luc), Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 2001;
(5) Tự điển Chữ Nôm (Chu Nom Dictionary) (Chief Editor), Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 2006;
(6) Kho chữ Hán Nôm mã hóa (The Digitalized Sino-Nom Characters Database) (Chief Editor: Nguyen Quang Hong and Ngo Thanh Nhan), Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 2008;
(7) Khái luận văn tự học Chữ Nôm (An Introduction to Nom Characters Grammatology) (Monograph), Education Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City, 2008;
(8) Tự điển chữ Nôm dẫn giải (The Interpretation of Nom Characters) (Dictionary). Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 2014;
(9) Âm tiết tiếng Việt và Ngôn từ thi ca (Vietnamese Syllable and Vietnamese Poetry) (co-write with Phan Diem Phuong). Hanoi National University Publishing House, 2017;
(10) Ngôn ngữ. Văn tự. Ngữ văn. (Collection of Essays: Linguistics. Grammatology. Philology). Social Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 2018.

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